• $1600

What is an allergy?

    Abnormal reaction of a person to certain substances in the environment
    Common allergens: food, pollen, animal dander, yeast, bacteria, and some chemicals
    Allergens stimulate the immune system to produce and release antibodies, triggering inflammation and allergic symptoms

What is the relationship between inhalant allergy, food allergy and health?

    Many food allergy symptoms are often ignored

   Allergies, stress and infections can increase the burden on the immune system and cause more allergic symptoms, including eczema, migraine, arthritis, gastrointestinal problems, autoimmune diseases and etc.

    Identifying and eliminating daily inhaled substances and food allergies in the diet can relieve health problems and reduce the risk of long-term diseases

Who is at risk of developing allergies?

Many Hong Kong people pay great attention to healthy diet nowadays, but the body will continue to send out signals of discomfort, and the real reason cannot be found. In fact, some healthy and nutritious foods, such as fruits and vegetables, may not be suitable for you. Only by testing for "food intolerance" can you choose the most suitable meal for yourselves.

The surrounding environment is full of allergens, such as dust mites, animal hair, plant pollen, etc. Moreover, Hong Kong has rich and diverse food ingredients, so we have a higher chance of being exposed to allergens, but it is often difficult to trace the source of allergens by ourselves. Due to the failure to find out the allergens, everyone has been affected by allergic symptoms for a long time.

It is conservatively estimated that as many as 25% of the population have significant allergies to certain foods, chemicals, or inhalants. If some mild symptoms such as occasional anxiety, joint pain, long-term fatigue and edema are included, the actual number of people with allergies may be even higher.

Who is suitable for allergy test?

    Suitable for people aged 3 or above

    Patients with allergies

    Problems such as eczema or nasal allergies occur in daily life, but cannot figure out the reason

Inhalation and Food Allergens Atopy (China) ─ 28 Types

Tree mix 2

Willow, Poplar, Elm

Weed Pollens

Common Ragweed, Mugwort

House Dust Mite Mix 1

Der. Pteronyssinus, Der. Farinae

Mould Mix 1

Penicillium notatum, Cladosporium herbarum, Aspergillus fumigatus, Alternaria alternata


Cat dander epithelium, Dog dander epithelium



Common Food

Egg White, Cow's Milk




Soya bean


Beef, Lamb

Seafish Mix 1

Codfish, Lobster, Scallop

Fresh Water Fish Mix 1

Salmon, Perch, Carp


Shrimp/Prawn, Crab


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