• Rotarix (1 dose) $900
  • Rotarix (2 doses) $1750
  • RotaTeq (1 dose) $600
  • RotaTeq (3 doses) $1750


What is a rotavirus?

It is a double-stranded RNA virus surrounded by a protein capsid. It belongs to the family Reoviridae and appears round when viewed under an electron microscope.

Oral rotavirus vaccines

Currently, there is no medicine to treat rotavirus infection. We can only try to relieve symptoms, such as intravenous injection, to replenish lost water and electrolytes.
Even good hygiene is not very effective in preventing infection and the most effective way of preventing it is vaccination.
There are currently two oral rotavirus vaccines available in the market. Mothers can choose the most suitable product for their babies according to individual needs.

Vaccine name


RotaTeq (樂幼康)


2 doses 

3 doses 

Pharmaceutical company



Suitable for

For babies from 6 to 24 weeks of age

Suitable for babies from 6 to 32 weeks of age

Effective prevention

Protects young children from diarrhea caused by rotavirus infection


     replicate natural infection: generated from human rotavirus to replicate natural infection and give good protection
     Study proves effective against 9 types of rotavirus infection

     Contains a variety of different serum types, covering 98% of the common types in Hong Kong
     According to a large-scale study, it can reduce hospital admissions and emergency cases due to rotavirus, and the effectiveness is as high as 100%.

Inoculation time

     It is recommended that young children take the first dose of vaccine at or before 20 weeks
     2 doses of oral vaccine must be completed by 24 weeks
     At least 4 weeks between 1st dose and 2nd dose

     It is recommended that young children take the first dose of vaccine at or before 12 weeks
     2nd dose of oral vaccine must be completed before 22 weeks     
     completed the third dose of oral vaccine before 32 weeks
     At least 4 weeks apart between each dose of vaccine

Side effect

Some babies may experience slight fever, vomiting, or diarrhea after receiving the rotavirus vaccine, but the discomfort will pass quickly.

Not suitable for

     Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine
     history of intussusception
     Uncorrected congenital undershaped gastrointestinal tract predisposing to intussusception
     severe combined immunodeficiency


     Patients with vomiting symptoms should delay vaccination
     When handling infants who have recently received oral rotavirus vaccine, extra attention should be paid to personal hygiene, such as washing hands before and after contact

Timing of oral rotavirus vaccination


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